Cabbage Steak
So, St Paddy’s day came and went, and best of intentions being just that intentions, you now have this Alien Easter Egg sitting in your fridge waiting to hatch at …
Air Fry, Baked, Braise, Creole, Global, Grilled, Roast, Vegetarian
Yes, I am aware this is NOT a ratatouille, but it is quick, tasty and filling, and if one shops properly damned cheap as well. (Besides, I COULD NOT let …
American, Cast Iron, Cultural-Misappropriation, Italian, Pub Food, Quick
Twisted Malted
Okay, it’s been a day. Various great and small heart-stopping moments sum up a day with little actual accomplishments and more annoying frustrations. I shall indulge in a treat right …
Pork Belly Udon
As winter continues to oppress us with a thick blanket of water in various states of solidification (snow, ice, snowcrete, etc.), I find myself longing for a hot, steaming bowl …
American, Asian, Cheap, Cultural-Misappropriation, Pasta, Winter
Quick Hot and Sour Soup
MEH!!! Winter is here, with inches of snow and ice in the last week, and now, a forecast for 8-10 inches of snow and up to .75 inches of ice. …
American, Asian, Autumn, Cheap, Cultural-Misappropriation, Soup, Winter
Cheap Fried Rice
As spoken prior, “Given the state of flux the universe is in, Madam Badwolf and I have started trimming expenses. One big thing in our house is the cost of …
American, Cheap, Cultural-Misappropriation, Follow On, Indo-Chinese, Quick, Stir-Fry, Vegetarian, Winter
Prosperous New Year? I have a recipe for that ..
Wishing all a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year. As for the prosperous portion, there are some traditional foods for that … Black-eyed Peas: Food scholars and historians say black-eyed …
American, Cajun, Creole, Cultural-Misappropriation, Southern, Winter