Asian Roasted Cauliflower
Just another quick little vegetarian / vegan side dish. Quick simple and tasty, a perfect side dish for a bowl of rice or pho.
Asian, Autumn, Baked, Basics, Quick, Roast, Vegan, Vegetarian, Winter
Hush Puppies in an Air Fryer
Just a fried bit of cornbread batter, seasoned with salt and cayenne, maybe with some onion, garlic and jalapeno mixed in.
Air Fry, American, Basics, Bread, Cajun, Quick, Southern, Vegetarian
Satan’s Eggs
So it all started, on a BadWolf TurkeyFest, with a comment from my “Loyal Opposition”, that my deviled eggs were “Wimpy, Bland, Tasteless.” … We all know where this went …
American, Basics, Egg, European, Pub Food, Quick, Side Dish, Vegetarian
Fruit Salad
As my wife was preparing a shopping list for the last run before our Thanksgiving dinner, we discussed sides. One of which is a fruit salad / fruit cup. I’ll …
American, Autumn, Basics, Quick, Side Dish, Vegan, Vegetarian, Winter
Poultry Rub
As one prepares the ritualistic sacrifice, one could use a commercial seasoning to rub the bird, but given the massive sodium content, I prefer to build my own rub. I …
It’s all gravy
As the ritual of roasted bird, baked stuffing, mashed potatoes rushes upon us, one must not forget the one thing to bind them, one thing to rule them all. GRAVY!! …
American, Autumn, Basics, Ingredient, Quick, Sauce, Side Dish, Vegetarian, Winter
Sourdough Dressing
Just a quick and dirty little way to use some of the sourdough bread being created. As a side dish for roasted poultry, (aka dressing) this excels, as a stuffing …
Autumn, Basics, Bread, Follow On, Ingredient, Side Dish, Vegetarian, Winter
Pickled Bird’s Eye Peppers
So Monday was a waste of a day, a trip to the city, missed appointments, systems not ready, people out of the office. To salvage something of the day a …
Asian, Autumn, Basics, Condiment, Follow On, General, Indian, Ingredient, Preservation, Quick, Quick Pickle, Sauce, Thai, Vegan, Vegetarian, Winter
Cream of Chicken Soup
As we travel well into Autumn, the temperatures are dropping, the sun is hiding, and I want comfort foods. The first thing that comes to mind is Chicken Soup, but …
Autumn, Basics, Follow On, General, Ingredient, Quick, Soup, Winter
Taking Stock
And autumn roars on to us. Cool days, chilly nights, and a craving for rich comfort food. Soups, stews, curries, chili’s, and all sorts of bowl-ables are in demand. The …