Veggies in the pantry, Veggies in the bowl
My comments here are going to be quite similar to my comments on storing dried beans. In this missive I’ll review the storage and basics of dried vegetables, always a …
Basics, Cook For One, Pantry, Preservation, Vegan, Vegetarian
Rice in the pantry, rice in the bowl
My comments here are going to be quite similar to my comments on storing dried beans. In this missive I’ll complete the storage and basics of rice, key to the …
Beans in the pantry, beans in the bowl
As I start my series of posts about stocking a pantry, I decided to start small and easy. One half of the classic complete protein “Rice and Beans”, is the …
@home udon
As the great pandemic rages on and off, lockdowns and lockups swirl about, and FUD becomes the new normal, I grow weary of standard fare, I want Ramen, I want …
Asian, Basics, Cultural-Misappropriation, Ingredient, Vegan, Vegetarian
InstaPot Boiled Eggs
Just a basic method for creating boiled eggs, hard and soft. These are so versitile, from being eaten out of hand with salt and pepper, to egg salad, to ramen, …
Basics, Egg, General, Ingredient, InstaPot, Pub Food, Side Dish
Bread and Butter Pickles
As we race into the unknown of summer, I take comfort in the fact that gardens and fields will yield and abundance of fresh produce. The only thing I fear …
Basics, Condiment, Quick Pickle, Side Dish, Spring, Summer, Vegetarian
Chili Con Queso
And another Friday in lock down rolls by. I was so stir crazy today, I barked at a squirrel. Our corporate happy hour / CAH game is over, and I’m …
American, Basics, Cast Iron, Pub Food, Quick, Sauce, Vegetarian
Quick Dinner Rolls
So, it begins, Me trying to quit / cut down on smoking.. Time to move my addiction from nicotine to the evil white powder, and all it’s friends, the high …
Slow Sourdough Starter
So as we race into our third week of minimal activity, our second week on restricted travel, and our first week of mandated “shelter in place”, I begin to feel …
Brooklyn Rye Bread
As the great pandemic pandemonium descends upon us, I find myself ordered to work from home, (I’m not sick, but people are worried I will be). As such I find …
Baked, Basics, Bread, Cultural-Misappropriation, European, Side Dish
Chicken Stock
As September sneaks in and warmer weather departs for the southern regions, one begins to contemplate richer and heartier foods. Soups, stews, chili’s, curries, and all manner of braises. Of …
Rosemary Focaccia
As the new year starts, I begin the travail of kicking my nicotine addiction. As done prior, I’ll be doing a bit of baking. As such I’ll start with a …
Baked, Basics, Bread, Vegan, Vegetarian
Easy Home Fries
One of my most favorite side dishes, good with eggs for breakfast, great as a noontime snack, and a perfect side for a easy dinner. My largest complaint is the …
Ravioli Bake – Reboot
And back to work, As I’ll be on a roll today, a quick and dirty reboot from 2008.. A ravioli bake is similar to lasagna, but a lot faster as …
Baked, Basics, Cultural-Misappropriation, Italian, Pub Food, Quick, ReBoot, Vegetarian
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