Ah, FUDGE!!!
Well, winter storm Elliot has made a hash of Holiday Travel Plans. Madam BadWolf IS NOT HAPPY (mother nature, you are on your own there), as we will forgo our …
Tuscan Black Pepper Beef
Incredible Umami, Rich beef short ribs braised in wine and herbs. PERFECT Snow food.
Autumn, Braise, Cultural-Misappropriation, Italian, Simmer, Slow Cook, Winter
Hot Chocolate (Bad Wolf Style)
Back in my socket after an ops run into the city, I was blessed with decent weather for my trip, but the fates have decreed snow for me, 1-5″ overnight. …
Oh, Balls, Bourbon Balls.
A no-bake cookie, strong with the spirit of the season
Thumb-Print Cookies
Pear Chocolate Pudding
A hot, gooey chocolate pudding, with dark chocolate and canned pears – a perfect no-fuss dinner party dessert
Autumn, Baked, British, Dessert, Pub Food, Vegetarian, Winter
Steakhouse Turkey Mushroom Broth
A clear broth from my favorite Japanese Steakhouse, but with turkey
American, Asian, Autumn, Cultural-Misappropriation, Follow On, Simmer, Winter
Turkey Stock from the carcass
One does not simply throw a turkey carcass away
Autumn, Follow On, Ingredient, Process, Slow Cook, Soup, Winter
Turkey Gnocchi Soup
Bit of a copycat, but updated for the season, Creamy Gnocchi and Poultry Soup, perfect for the day after…
Autumn, Cultural-Misappropriation, Follow On, Pasta, Quick, Soup, Winter
Onion Tarte
I am just in the mood to do something exacting, special, and with that Rogue Chef flair. The recipe is simple, the technique is moderately demanding, and can be used …
Cabbage Stew
Quick, Tasty, Filling, and moderately healthy. Great for a winter’s meal
Autumn, Cajun, Cultural-Misappropriation, Simmer, Soup, Winter