Cabbage Steak
So, St Paddy’s day came and went, and best of intentions being just that intentions, you now have this Alien Easter Egg sitting in your fridge waiting to hatch at …
Air Fry, Baked, Braise, Creole, Global, Grilled, Roast, Vegetarian
Twisted Malted
Okay, it’s been a day. Various great and small heart-stopping moments sum up a day with little actual accomplishments and more annoying frustrations. I shall indulge in a treat right …
Cheap Fried Rice
As spoken prior, “Given the state of flux the universe is in, Madam Badwolf and I have started trimming expenses. One big thing in our house is the cost of …
American, Cheap, Cultural-Misappropriation, Follow On, Indo-Chinese, Quick, Stir-Fry, Vegetarian, Winter
Fruit Salad
Another side dish for my non-cooking associates is a simple or not-so-simple fruit salad. It is perfect as a light and fresh counterpoint to starch and protein-laden plates. As with …
Autumn, Cold, Fruit, Global, Salad, Vegan, Vegetarian, Winter
Smashed Reds
At the urging of an associate (who claims she can’t cook but won’t stop trying), I’ll post a few side dish recipes. Ignoring the obvious—turkey, gravy, and dressing—I’ll jump right …
Pub Style Beer Cheese Soup
As “FriendsGivings” appear around us and everyone rushes toward “The BIG DAY,” I am somewhat underwhelmed. For many years, I hosted dinners for my associates (usually upstaging the planned family …
Bread and Oil
As the start of the holiday season rushes upon us, one of my associates (now with a family of their own) has contacted me and inquired about how I always …
Autumn, Bread, Condiment, Quick, Salad, Sauce, Vegan, Vegetarian
Crisp Crackers
On a recent trip to the city, I met for dinner and drinks with some old friends. It is the time of year for the “Badwolf Dining Season” and “Cookie …
Hot Honey Bourbon Toddy
So winter is creeping up on me. This night will be a “killing frost,” and I can already feel it seeping into my office despite my workstation and its space …
Badwolf Canapes
Yes, imagining something as delicate as a puff pastry canape appreciated at the lair is hard. Truth be told, the denizens never did, but the guests always managed to enjoy …
Autumn, Baked, Cultural-Misappropriation, European, Pub Food, Quick, Vegetarian
Bourbon Sweets
One of the “children” (the many young men and ladies who passed through the lair), recently contacted me with a culinary question. She was looking for a side dish I …
American, Autumn, Baked, Roast, Side Dish, Vegetarian, Winter
Fall Salad
Okay, it’s the weekend; it’s time to spin down, chill out, and maybe catch a nap. Yesterday, I had a wonderful splurge meal to celebrate a professional accreditation, and it …
Pumpkin Pancakes
It’s Sunday, the day of leisurely mornings and sumptuous breakfasts, both sweet and savory, accompanied by glorious coffee. I’ve been requested to produce the morning meal, so I should be …
BAKE THIS! When life gives you apples …
Ah, it’s the first weekend of fall, and all the upstate towns are holding their harvest, founding, apple picking, leaf-peeping and tourist-attracting celebrations. I shall decline to participate in these …