Chili Con Queso
And another Friday in lock down rolls by. I was so stir crazy today, I barked at a squirrel. Our corporate happy hour / CAH game is over, and I’m …
American, Basics, Cast Iron, Pub Food, Quick, Sauce, Vegetarian
Discard Scallion Pancakes
Talking with my wife about the “good old days”, when one could just get in the car and drive to a restaurant, sit down and have a meal and be …
Asian, Bread, Cast Iron, Cultural-Misappropriation, Fried, Korean, Pub Food, Side Dish, Vegan, Vegetarian
Basic Sourdough Bread
As the great lockdown continues, I begin to become restless. Quick Sir Badwolf, to the kitchen, there is bakery afoot … Do read the recipe notes… Easy, peasy, tangy, tasty
Aloo Channa Marsala
It is late February, the weather is more like early April but still coldish, so I’m looking for decent, flavorful food with just a hint of adventure. But have not …
Autumn, Bean, Cast Iron, Cultural-Misappropriation, Indian, Pub Food, Sauce, Vegetarian, Winter
Winter’s Vegetable Stew
As the year 2020 begins, I find myself scaling my cooking to match both the number of plates (2), and the need to eat more healthy. (Mediterranean / Vegetable heavy …
Autumn, Cast Iron, Mediterranean, Sautee, Vegetarian, Winter
Easy Home Fries
One of my most favorite side dishes, good with eggs for breakfast, great as a noontime snack, and a perfect side for a easy dinner. My largest complaint is the …
Smoked Gouda Mac and Cheese
Back from a bit of travel, the room mates have fled to the west coast to avoid the winter storm, and I have a taste for comfort food. Whilst speaking …
American, Baked, Basics, Cast Iron, Pasta, Side Dish, Vegetarian
Fajita Style Peppers and Onion
It’s cool to cold today, and I am thinking Mex-Tex for dinner. Bean and cheese enchiladas, maybe a bit of Guacamole and Salsa to the side. But I really want …
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