Yes, I am aware this is NOT a ratatouille, but it is quick, tasty and filling, and if one shops properly damned cheap as well. (Besides, I COULD NOT let …
American, Cast Iron, Cultural-Misappropriation, Italian, Pub Food, Quick
Twisted Malted
Okay, it’s been a day. Various great and small heart-stopping moments sum up a day with little actual accomplishments and more annoying frustrations. I shall indulge in a treat right …
Pork Belly Udon
As winter continues to oppress us with a thick blanket of water in various states of solidification (snow, ice, snowcrete, etc.), I find myself longing for a hot, steaming bowl …
American, Asian, Cheap, Cultural-Misappropriation, Pasta, Winter
Quick Hot and Sour Soup
MEH!!! Winter is here, with inches of snow and ice in the last week, and now, a forecast for 8-10 inches of snow and up to .75 inches of ice. …
American, Asian, Autumn, Cheap, Cultural-Misappropriation, Soup, Winter
Cheap Fried Rice
As spoken prior, “Given the state of flux the universe is in, Madam Badwolf and I have started trimming expenses. One big thing in our house is the cost of …
American, Cheap, Cultural-Misappropriation, Follow On, Indo-Chinese, Quick, Stir-Fry, Vegetarian, Winter
Prosperous New Year? I have a recipe for that ..
Wishing all a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year. As for the prosperous portion, there are some traditional foods for that … Black-eyed Peas: Food scholars and historians say black-eyed …
American, Cajun, Creole, Cultural-Misappropriation, Southern, Winter
Simple French Onion Soup
Winter has made a serious appearance today. “Like a Nor-Easter, but no snow..”, they said. And I just got back from a week in a much warmer climate. It’s too …
American, Autumn, Braise, French, Ingredient, InstaPot, Soup, Winter
Pub Style Beer Cheese Soup
As “FriendsGivings” appear around us and everyone rushes toward “The BIG DAY,” I am somewhat underwhelmed. For many years, I hosted dinners for my associates (usually upstaging the planned family …
Well, Balls .. Sausage Balls that is
In a kitchen, long, long ago and far, far away I was introduced to these as a breakfast muffin, and they are great with coffee, providing energy for a new …
Bourbon Sweets
One of the “children” (the many young men and ladies who passed through the lair), recently contacted me with a culinary question. She was looking for a side dish I …
American, Autumn, Baked, Roast, Side Dish, Vegetarian, Winter