Black Bean Falafel
As spoken prior, I am in city arranging my digital life in a manner that someone other than I can make sense of. My roommates have fled the city, so …
Baked, Basics, Bean, Cultural-Misappropriation, Fried, Ingredient
Vegetarian Sloppy Joe’s
It is Memorial Day weekend, I am in city, sorting out my “Digital Life”. The room mates have decided to “be elsewhere”, leaving me with the freedom to explore new …
Fajita Style Peppers and Onion
It’s cool to cold today, and I am thinking Mex-Tex for dinner. Bean and cheese enchiladas, maybe a bit of Guacamole and Salsa to the side. But I really want …
Tools – Cast Iron
Let’s have a chat about the new rage in cooking, much talked about, and greatly misunderstood. I speak, of course, about Cast Iron cookware. Why is it all the rage? …
Tools – Knives
Whilst moving into my new abode, my roommates were rather shocked at the number of cutting implements I own and carry about. Fancy tools and knives is not the important …
Welcome Back
With the bustle and hustle of semi-retirement comes the disruption of old habits, and the creation of new habits. It seems I’ve picked up a few bad habits and lost …
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