Brooklyn Rye Bread

As the great pandemic pandemonium descends upon us, I find myself ordered to work from home, (I’m not sick, but people are worried I will be). As such I find myself with a number of hours usually spent in travel, available for other activities.
And as the preposterous panic continues I find the local grocery store has not but mass produced white bread. (I’m NOT a fan). Thus it is time to revive by bread skills and do something useful.
This specific recipe, comes from a number of discussions I have had with various members of an orthodox jewish community, and while I am sure I have made many sins in this post, they are the sins of a failing memory. ( I am also sure many of them are face palming and saying “Oy Gevalt, This is NOT the way…”)
Autolyse is a technique that is easily introduced into your bread making routine and delivers a dough that’s easier to work with and shape, and a loaf with better texture, rise and flavour. It’s a deceptively simple process. Just combine the flour and water in a bowl and mix until no dry flour remains. Do not knead.
Simply cover the bowl and leave it in a warm place for anything from 20 minutes to up to 3 hours. During this resting stage, gluten development begins and simple sugars start to form as starch is broken down. Although it may look like nothing is happening, you will notice the difference as soon as you handle the dough because during the autolyse it will have become smoother and elastic.
This will also lower the glycemic index of your final product.
Mixed Grain / Multi Grain Bread
Multigrain bread is a type of bread prepared with two or more types of grain. Grains used include barley, flax, millet, oats, wheat, and whole-wheat flour, among others.
In this case the dark rye flour, soft ap flour, and the strong bread flour, as well and the inclusion of caraway seeds will enhance our flavor and texture.
The kosher pickle juice will add even more of a flavor boost
Long Bulk Ferment
This is all about the taste, the long slow ferment in the fridge will allow the yeast to slowly reproduce and generate a more sour tasting dough.
Using the mix of bread and ap flour will also help produce a softer crumb, while not developing some much gluten that the bread will not rise.
Again, This will also lower the glycemic index of your final product.
Steam Baking
A technique to get a larger oven bounce, (rise whence in the oven), is to place a metal pan in the bottom of the oven and whence you place the loaf into bake toss a half cup of water into the pan at the bottom, close the door and walk away.
This creates a moist baking environment for several minutes, keeping the crust from gelatinizing immediately and allowing the loaf to rise additionally.
We will drive off any excess moisture later
Oven Drying
A new technique I’ve found, this allows any residual surface moisture, (usually from a steam setup) to be driven off, allowing for a crisp crust that will “sing” as it cools.
Cool it … Just Cool it..
The urge to grab a knife and cut yourself a thick slice of hot bread, slather it with butter is overwhelming. DO NOT DO THIS!!! The starches within the loaf have not setup. Cut a hot load of bread and you will ruin the texture, an crumb. Wait at least an hour, perhaps two. Then if you want hot bread with butter, cut your slices, give them a quick toast, and have a ball with the butter.

Brooklyn Rye Bread
- Stand Mixer
- Dough Hook
- 135 grams Bread Flour unbleached
- 135 grams AP Flour unbleached
- 135 grams Dark Rye Flour
- 45 grams Potato Flakes
- 30 grams Brown Sugar Divided
- 20 grams Yeast
- 15 grams Salt
- 250 ml Warm Water ~ 100 degree Divided
- 60 ml Neutral oil Canola
- ~60 ml Kosher pickle juice
- 60 ml Malt Extract Optional
- 45 grams Caraway Seed
- 1 ea egg white
Autolyse / Sponge
- Add flours and water to Mixer and mix until a shaggy dough forms
- Cover and rest at least 1 hour (2-4 is recommended for whole grains)
- Mix the yeast into 50 ml of warm (~100F) water alone with 10 grams of brown sugarRest 15 minutes. This should be quite active. If not the yeast failed for prove, start over.
- Add the yeast mixture and the rest of the ingredients, minus the egg, to the mixer and mix on low until combined into a shaggy dough
- Turn the mixer up to medium and beat until a smooth supple dough forms, (8-10 minutes)
- Cover the mixer bowl and place in refrigerator overnight (8-12 hours)
Shaping / Baking
- Remove dough from refrigerator, dump onto floured work surface and shape, (I just do a round ball, as I'll bake in a dutch oven)
- Oil your pan / pot and place the shaped dough into it, cover and let rest for final rise (1-2 hours)
- Dough has risen when it springs back slowly when poked
- Preheat oven to 425. (you do have an oven thermometer?)
- Beat the egg white with a tsp of water, and brush the top ot the loaf
- Sprinkle with a flurry of caraway seeds, slash...
- Bake for approx 30 minutes, until crust is golden brown, and internal temp is approx 195.
- Turn off oven, and open the door. Rest bread for 15-20 minutes in oven
- Turn out on to wire rack and cool at least 1 hour.
under: Baked, Basics, Bread, Cultural-Misappropriation, European, Side Dish
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