Pinto Beans – Reboot
A reboot from 2007, updated to use the instapot.
As I spoke in my reboot of corn bread, Pinto Beans a a perfect accompaniment. But is it Pinto Beans, or refried beans ? That is a fairly simple item, re-fried beans are cooked pinto beans that have been mashed and mixed with some form of fat, traditionally lard, often times additional spices / seasonings (smoked meats) will be added.
Since this is a reboot, I’ll update to use modern cooking tools, I.E. the instapot, and update to meet the existing dietary requirements as well as the existing time requirements.
A lot has been written on soaking beans, so I’ll summarize here.
Cooking methods for beans:
- Soak overnight, simmer in a stock pot
- Boil for 3 minutes, soak for 4-8 hours, simmer in stock pot
- Boil for 6 minutes, soak for 1 hour, simmer in a stock pot
- Place in instapot, add all ingredients, cook for 45 minutes
Now, since I do have an active life, and wander in at all hours of the night, I tend to forget the soak overnight, and the next two also really do not match my life timeline, so InstaPot it is.
Two steps that can not be skipped, sort / inspect the beans, discard any damaged, withered beans, and any other material (yep, I have found rocks in my beans), then rinse completely and drain.

Pinto Beans
- 1 Bag Pinto Beans 16 oz.
- 1 Ea Large Sweet Onion Peeled, diced
- 1 tbsp Roasted Garlic Mashed
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 6 Cups Broth Chicken or Vegetable
- 1/2 tsp Chili Powder
- 1/2 tsp Cumin
- 1/2 tsp Oregano
- 1 ea Jalapeno Pepper Large, washed, seeded, stemmed, diced
- 1 dash Liquid Smoke
- Rinse the bag of beans well and remove any that look bad; Drain well
- Add all to InstaPot Select Chili/Beans Set time for 45 Minutes Make sure the vent is set to seal
- After cooking let the pressure release normally. Do not vent let this drain, this takes about 25 minutes
- If you want, one can take a cup of the beans and mash / blend and return to ass a creaminess
under: Basics, Bean, Follow On, ReBoot
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